This simple small controller comes with a 6 foot long usb connection so you can drop this little guy right on your control panel. You don't have to mess with little screws, tighting on wires, these come with .187 fittings already installed on a plug-in harness. The harness is broken in to 4 wire groups, so you can install a joystick and 6 buttons without having wires hanging everywhere!
This simple controller is recognized by Windows as a plug and play controller. Get 30 inputs (2 Joysticks with 8 each and 22 buttons). This is a great price for a great product.
6 foot USB cable
7 x 4 connector wires for control signal
1 x 2 connector wire for control signal
2 x 16 connector ground daisy chains (that's 2 extra connections for ground)
Diagram of the pinout
Works great with controls up to .7 meters apart!
Xin Mo Arcade Controller to USB - PC or PS3