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Upright Arcade

Upright Arcades are the ultimate show piece for any Game Room. This unit supports over 15000+ different Arcade/console titles. And supports over 1000+ Pinball Tables.

You can even use these units as a Jukebox & Karaoke machine . Just add your personal MP3 library. The Upright Arcade is a Monster Arcades Orginal Design.

We only use the highest quality materials in the construction of all of products.



* New  C-N-C Arcade Cabinet  Made from ¾ inch Birch (not MDF of plywood)
* 27 inch  LCD Monitor
* Custom Built 2 Player Control Panel with the Theme of your Choose
* U-Trak 3 inch Trackball with flush mount (pick your color)
* Happ  or Zippyy Joysticks
* Pick the Colors of your Buttons, Joysticks, & Trackball
* Back-lit Marquee  (Pick Your Art)
* Control Panel OverLay (Pick Your Art)
​​​​​​* Bezel Art Cover (Pick Your Art)
* Side Art Wrap  (Pick Your Art)
* Kick Plate Art (Pick Your Art)
* Tempered Glass for Monitor Cover ​
​* T-molding (Pick from over 10 colors)

* Happ Style False Coin Door with Lock & Keys (adds to the True Arcade Look, but not functional)​

​​​* I-Pac Encoder for Perfect Game-play
* Black High Gloss Finish, other colors optional
* New Computer built by Monster Arcades ​ (See Spec's Link)
​* Windows of your Choice (XP, Vista, 7, licensed with Disks and Paper Work)
* Hide Away Keyboard Drawer
* 2.1 Sound System with Powered Sub-woofer  (Upgrade Available)
* Frontend software Setup for Mame & Console Emulation






                                       Base Price:   $2599  Plus Shipping  


Please contact us for all build orders!





















​Dimensions :

​​34"                 Wide​ (2 player Unit)

​​48"                 Wide (4 Player Unit)

41"                 Deep​

74"                 Tall​

250 LBS.      (Weight can Vary with Options)





​Upgradeable Options:


​* Quad Unit (4 players)

* Arcade Spinner Dial 

* Functioning Coin Door​

* LED Buttons​

* LED Trackball​

* LED Control Board​

* Speakers​

* Light Guns​

* Monitors ​

* Joysticks​

* Stain & Clear Coat




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